The first thing my 10 year old son said to me Saturday morning was “Mum, are you excited for Amy Shark today?!” My reply of course was yes and the 2 of us did a little dance in anticipation!
We got to Brisbane’s Riverstage early and got a great spot on the (quickly filling up) hill. We got our drinks and snacks and were ready to go when opener ‘Hutch’ took the stage! I’m so glad we were there early, his set was fantastic! Hutch was so energetic and charismatic and an ever better singer! What a great voice. I loved his newly release song ‘Beer Never Taste So Good’. Hutch and his band came on the stage with a great vibe and shared that with the crowd, a great way to start the evening!
All the way from Austin Texas, Culture Wars were up next, these guys had a great groove
and the crowd was bopping along. Very catchy and very cool. I enjoyed their songs ‘Miley’, ‘Hell or High Water’ and their popular hit ‘Heaven’. Keep an eye out for these guys heading back to Oz soon.
By the time we were ready for Amy Shark, the crowd was packed in, there were people waving signs in the air and as the intro song played the crowd rose to their feet and then erupted when Amy took the stage!
Opening with ‘Two Friends’, it was amazing to hear so many singing along to the track from her new album, Amy asked us not to let her down and Brisbane obliged screaming ‘and Katie fucking hates me’ into the nighy sky! (In the words of Amy Shark….. sorry kids).
The singing continued, and the dancing as we grooved too ‘Only Wanna Be With You’ and one of my favorite songs off ‘Sunday Sadness’, ‘Can I Shower at Yours’.
The crowds screams and singing got even louder with ‘Everybody Rise’, and as I looked around I saw kids dancing, jumping and singing – smiling from ear to ear! Mums and Dads dancing along, lovers, friends, everyone was just having the best time! It was such a good energy all night..
Throughout the night, Amy told us stories of her influence on children, her funny family tales and tooted her horn talking about the great collaborations she has had in her career, and so she should!
Her performance of ‘Long Song Ain’t For Us’ (written with Ed Sheeran and recorded with Keith Urban) saw the sky lit up with torches and tears in some folks eyes.
Amy played songs from across all 3 albums and we even got a fantastic cover of Black Eyed Peas ‘Where Is The Love’ when Amy bought her friend and fellow singer SQZE on stage.
To close out the set the crowd was treated to her 2 most famous hits ‘I Said Hi’ and ‘Mess Her Up’ with confetti shooting in the air and the atmosphere so high, it was a magical way to end a fantastic concert!
I said it when we saw Amy last time and I say it again, there is an authenticity she delivers in her songs that is impossible to not connect with, she really is amazing to see live!
Amy Shark just gets better and better!
3 albums in, playing bigger venues, crowds of people dancing and singing night after night on this tour! I truly can’t wait to see what comes next for this amazing woman!
Big thanks to Amy and her Team and Live Nation for having us along! We had a wonderful time.
Until the next gig
Hayley x